Magic Valley Camera Club

Christmas Lights photos at Orton Botanical Garden
Please join the Magic Valley Camera Club at Orton Botanical Garden on December 12 for a Christmas Light photography outing. Please be sure to bring a cash donation for the garden along with your gear.
Thank You Colin Randolph for sharing an image of Black Magic Canyon
Thank you Colin for sharing your image from the recent MVCC outing to Black Magic Canyon
10Nov2023_Larry Cohen
Thank you Larry Cohen for the cover image
Thank you Larry for sharing you image from Trailing of the Sheep, Main St. Ketchum. That dog looks like it has been working hard.
Ernie Colver Nov_Dec2023
November and December 2023 County West Photographer - Ernie Colver
Please join the board in congratulating Ernie Colver our new photographer with art display now up at County West now through December! Please go down and check out his amazing photos!